Merc was just a young boy, his family was falling apart. His dad was always getting drunk, while his mom was the one who cared for him. She taught him how to defend himself and gave him a knife.

His parents always fought, his dad throwing things at his mom. At 6 years old, his mom and dad were in a drunk-driving accident. His dad survived but his mom didn't.

He never felt alone, as he had Argon, until he met Oleandrin. She always acted like she cared for him but never gave a shit about him. She used him for her own gain, giving him attention when he followed her rules.

When Merc turned 7, he went to spend his birthday with Oleandrin as Argon couldn’t make it. When he got back, his dad was drunk. Frustrated, he went to his room.

There, his dad opened his door and tried to hit him with a bottle. Merc ran out of his room and went to his parent's room, finding a gun. When his dad entered, he shot him three times. When he knew his dad was dead ( Two shots to the chest, one to the head ), he sat down against the wall.

He sat there for a bit before hearing Oleandrin come in with his knife. " I guess you finally broke you stupid tool. " She suddenly attacked him, slicing his stomach open. He shot her eye as a result, causing her to run out of the house.

Right as she ran out, someone entered due to the gunshots and immediately called the police when they saw Mercury. Hewent to a hospital, getting stitches.

He never reported Ole to the police, and he didn't go to jail due to it being self defense. He spiraled into depression, having urges to end it all. He almost did at one point, but backed out last second.

When he was 15, he had met Ole again in an alley. When he tried to leave, she pulled out a knife and held it to his throat, Merc was scared but he had accepted his fate, but luckily, she was caught doing it to him and ran away.

He ended up in the old house, nearly getting killed and watching his close friend almost die and witnessing Ole's death. Soon, everyone moved out, and he and Ole were left alone.

Until it burned down.

Now he's stuck in the new house, and is relapsing badly. But he'll be okay... Maybe.
